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Akomagosh - Enhancment

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:34 pm
by Akomagosh
Hello, my name is David. I am makeing this application to see if I have what it takes to join your guild ranks. First a bit about me.
I basicly live on WoW all day and most of the night. I do go out of my room sometimes mainly to pee and nom food and that rare ocasion I venture outside in the cold harsh world that I live in. Am 21 and I live in the UK.. and thats about it realy.

Now my toon.

Name: Akomagosh

Class: Shaman

Spec: Enhancment (OS Restoration)

Link: ... =Akomagosh
P.S: Yes I know I have a lot of hit but I am working on changeing a few things around right now. And I am trying out some new gemming styles. And my mage was my main till about 4 months ago.

Professions: None at the momemnt. (Will explane this later on)

Raid expirance: Everything clear apart from LK 10 and 25man. I know the tacs for the fight but when ever we tryed him we used to get realy bad server lag for the start of P1 and the transaction phase.

Guild History: Should be fun. Here goes: <Animosity> (Yes I was Alliance I will explane more later on) I left them due to the way it was beeing run. The leadership was passed round a lot for about a week and they wanted me to be online 24/7. When I said I will be playing less just logging for raids and daily they got pissed off basicly. Then I joined <Crimson Gauntlet> A lot of my RL friends are in this guild and we had a lot of fun raiding and RPing and such. But I left them to join horde as I wanted a fresh start to the game, they all understood this and there was no hard feelings. My first and only horde guild is <Brotherhood of Doom> This is my current guild but I am leaveing due to the guild going casuel and we was told to leav and join a new raiding guild if we liked. It will be sad leaveing BoD as I am fond of some of the members in there.

Alliance / Horde: I stated playing WoW going on 6 years now. I played as Alliance on a Mage called Davidoff (Am pity sure a few of you have ganked me and/or I have ganked you). So after raiding everything with the Alliance for all this time I thought I would like a change and see what its like on the "Dark Side" SO I helped my old guild <Crimson Gauntlet> get a new Raid Leader and Recrutment officer (That was my roles in the guild) And joined BoD. Now I have seen that Horde > Alliance in meny way. Horde just seem more grown up *Well apart from <Goons> in trade but mehh* and I like that better then 14 year old kids "trying" to abuse you and/or put you down in trade and other places.

Why do you have no professions?: Well as I mentioned I was Alliance. My mage has max enchanting and my priest has max JC, so I never seen the point in getting any on my shaman. But now am thinking about getting some to help me make gold and to get a DPS boost (was thinking about enchanting).

Whats your DPS like?: BoD use's WoL but I dont know how to use it myself. And I have no screen shots of me as Enhancment or resto. But my DPS is around 8-10k depending on the fight. I.E SF in ICC I do around 10k+ DPS on him Sindragosa I do about 8.4k due to moveing a lot. But that might be diffrent right now as am trying out a new gem set up (Full AP insted of AP+Haste).

Why do you want to join?: Well I would like to do top end raiding with a top guild. I know my gear isnt as good as the rest of you and it will seem like you will be boosting me. But I dont care about getting loot. I just want to raid and have a good time and kill stuff.

What can you bring to the guid?: I can bring a DPS shaman who knows what hes doing and is allways prepared for raids, and who can allso heal if the fight needs me to be a healer.

Do you know anyone?: No. But I have seen you around on Horde and Alliance.

If you would like to know more or talk about something I have posted please feel free to poke me in game.


Re: Akomagosh - Enhancment

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:48 pm
by akahad
Hello there and thanks for your aplication.
We ll take a look at it and give you answer before next reset.

Re: Akomagosh - Enhancment

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:51 pm
by akahad
I m sorry to say but we ll have to decline your aplication. Best of luck.