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Narci // Holy Paladin

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:48 am
by Icharis
Out Of Character
Name: My name is Dan.
Age: I am 19.
Location: I live on a small island in the south of england called the island of wight. It is basically a glorified retirement home, with old people, and Razzr (you should know him) for entertainment. Its awesome...
Occupation: I work from home as a Graphic Designer for a London Advertising Company.
About me: Well, what is there to say... I am a pretty laid back guy with a fun loving attitude towards life, i take everyone at face value and wont make pre judgements. I love spending time with my mates and having a good laugh, going out drinking and generally having a good time. I am know for being the impulsive one of us, travelling around the country, as well as out of it, on a mere whim with 1 days decision before hand. Although, strangely enough, i have never let this get in the way of raiding / playing wow, that can keep me entertained enough.
Interests: I play the drums (14 years of it and still going!), play lots of tennis and badminton when i can. Playing wow of course, seeing my friends, and generally having a damn good time!
Hours played per week: Where i work from home, i usually have wow up on the dual screen while i work, so hours played can vary from 10-40, depending on what i am doing at the time.

Character Info
Name: Narci
Class: Paladin
Main Specc: Holy
Off Specc: PVP Holy / PVE Prot, changes depending on what i am doing
Armory: ... od&n=Narci

My Talent Choices: I have gone for the high crit specc that i know alot of Holy Paladins use. Where i combine this why Holy Light / High Intellect, i can pull off big heals consistantly through a fight knowing that have the Mana Pool / Crit Return to keep me going where i need it.
My Glyph Choices:
- Glyph of Holy Light: Obvious choice really, where it is a spell of choice, might as well, get myself some aoe healing out of it aswell.
- Glyph of Beacon of Light: Extended timer on this spell always me to keep healing for that bit longer without having to worru about renewing it so often.
- Glyph of Seal of Wisdom: Reduced mana cast! More Healing!

Paladin Raid Clearance:

Well, i rolled this paladin in February with Razzr (did RaF), as we both came to the Horde Side, so i have had only WOTLK experience on it, i do have previous experience on other characters.

Naxx10/25: Cleared
OS10/25 +3D: Cleared
Malygos10/25: Cleared
Uld10/25: 11/14 - Always been unlucky clearing the final few, still un-puggable, 5 Hard Modes Done.
Toc10/25: Cleared
ToGc10: 3/5 - I have only pugged this, i know all the tactics, but cant get the group at the moment.
Ony10/25: Cleared

Previous Guilds:

I have been on two servers with this Paladin, but i will name the guilds on this server, as it is the only ones that will be relevant to you for my application.

Grip Of Saul: I enjoyed being in this guild, i was in there for the first clearances of Ulduar25, the reason i left was interesting... If you remember Razzr having his char migrated to another server, i succombed to the same fate.

Last Stand: Upon my return, i joined Last Stand, but it was the final few days of the old raiding guild, and it disbanded.

The Soulflayer Syndicate: My current guild. I would like to leave in order to persue more extreme progress and raiding, as its awesome and i cant get enough!

Why I want to join Ubiquity: I have known of your guild for quite some time, due to alliance time on the server as well as Horde. You guys have developed an outstanding reputation for being one of the top raiding guilds on this server. I wish to join you and progress further through the game as part of your Guild, prove myself as a good player of my class and specc.

What can i bring to the Guild: I feel that i can bring reliability and knowledge with me. I show up on time to anything i sign for, and bring anything that may be required for me, and if needed other players. I feel that i can bring a strong knowledge of the class i play and may be able to talk through the class with other people if they would need the help.

Raid Attendance:
I can attend all 3 standard raid days if required from start to finish.

Known members of Ubiquity are: Razzr and Duggy.

Thank you for tanking the time to read, i look foward to hearing from you,
Narci / Dan

Re: Narci // Holy Paladin

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:50 am
by Dug
he has been on my friends list for a while now after healing a heroic for me, very good healer and knows what he's doing, a vouch from me

Re: Narci // Holy Paladin

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:10 pm
by Razzie
i love this bearded dragonman. awesome player too!

Re: Narci // Holy Paladin

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:04 am
by Icharis
i spoke with Mourn in game and would like to continue with this application.

I am no longer withdrawing.

Re: Narci // Holy Paladin

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:11 pm
by Môurn

Re: Narci // Holy Paladin

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:52 am
by Vintoran
Accepted for trial.
Whisper some officer ingame for guildinvite please.