Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Moderator: Class officer
Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Before I start, I appreciate you guys taking your time reading this, and I hope you understand my frustration of the CQ/CT merge and that this has been a hard choice for me to make.
Name: Viktor
Age: 17
Nationality: Danish, though my mom is Swedish
Email Address: bamboviktor@hotmail.com
Name: Vonx
Class: Hunter
Race: Bloodelf Female
Talent Build
First off, I have a pet (wolf) with Ferocity build, for both of my specs, as this increases my AP with aprox. 200 and is the best DPS pet and spec availible for raids.
I obviously have two specs, the one I use mostely being SV. it focuses alot of increasing your damage with certain proc buffs, such as LaL, Expose Weakness, Sniper Training and others. It has focus on prioritizing your rotation, insted of having a specific rotation. You would fx use Black Arrow over Aimed Shot, as Black Arrows has a longer CD, and you might need to change your shots around if LaL procs (finishes cooldown of Explosive Shot immediately) and so on. I like it alot, as its not just a one-button wonder spec, but you have to think a little. Now, the discussion about MM> SV is a thing I don't agree with. Now, I tried my MM with full arp cap when my trinket procced and then damage seemed to be the same or even lower, but the spec was boring to play! So I chose to play SV and that is the spec you will see me raiding in.
My SV spec is bascisly the same as many others, though I came to the conclusion that it is enough with 1 talent point in Expose Weakness and 1 in Hunting Party, cause even with one in each, they will still be up 99% of the raid. Those talent points I get insted, are used in IAotH which gives me a 20% to get increased weapon speed. Small details FTW?
With my MM spec, it focuses on using 1 rotation, which you use throughout the whole fight, a lot like the old BM spec where you did the same thing over and over. You would for example put down a sting and never have to refreash it, because you would use Chimenera Shot at the right moment and so on. Arcane Shot and Multishot have been improved, so those are put into the rotation. Now, as I said earlier, I did try to go full MM for a while gemming for ARP and having it maxed when Grim Troll procked, but the damage just didn't seem better and it was sooooo boring...
Vital Statistics
HitRating: IMO, Hit Rating is the most important stat for hunters, until they have it maxed out at 8%. The way I see it, you can have alot of AP and Agi, but if you miss 1/10 shots, that's alot of damage lost, so you should be hitcapped. When you have gemmed and geared accordingly, you can start focusing on other stats, but I think you should also try to be as close to 8% as possible, but of course not go too much over it either, as that is a waste of hit. Now, one thing I have realised lately is that even if you have 7% hit, you never really miss a shot. I tried maxing my hit with Grim Troll, but traded it out with Mirror of Truth for a few raids to see if the proc and crit would increase my damage, and it surely did! Now, I am not hitcapped with that trinket, only at 7,2% but I missed 1 shot in a 4 hour raid!
Agility: Agility comes in as the 2nd most important stat for a hunter, and it's nr.1 if hit is maxxed out. Agility increases AP and critical rating, which gives you more damage on your shots. It also increases dodge but that of course doesn't really matter much in raiding. As Agi increases AP AND Crit, it should usually be chosen over AP, unless the AP amount is a LOT better (like 40 agi vs 200 AP or something)
Attack Power: Now, attack power isn't really a stat, but it's still really really good for Hunters. It can be increased by Agility but also but items and gems that just purely give AP. AP gives you more damage and it also stacks more damage on ticks, procs and so on. For example, my sting will tick for more, the more AP I have.
Intellect Now:, Intellect is really good, because a Hunter needs mana to shoot his special arrows. As a Hunter, you could in theory just stand there and shoot, but if you use your mana wisely, together with the right rotation, the DPS can be really good. The more mana you have, the more a Damage boost you get, as you can keep on Aspect of the Dragonhawk, insted of Aspect of the Viper.
Stamina : Stamina and Intellect are really close, and can be switched back and forth in importness, depending on which boss or instance. If you're dead, you obviously can't do any DPS either, and Stamina is also nice to have lots of when a boss gives raid wide AOE and it helps on the healers. It's of course nice to stay alive, but you shouldn't just always pick Stamina over Intellect or over Agi or visa versa.
Those are the 5 top stats IMO. (I left out ARP cause I don't see it as a stat. It does play a very very vital part of a hunter though, even more if you are MM.)
As for my gear, I have 4 pieces of T8.5, but I also have these two items:
Head from TotC: Sunreaver Ranger Helm
Chest from TotC: Curiass of Cruel Intent
Now, the 4th setbonus for a Hunter is a chance of 600 AP on a Steady Shot proc. It's not really a bad proc, but since a SV Hunter doesn't use SS that much, I decided to use those two items insted, which increases my base stats with 120 AP and 1,1% crit and some haste aswell. Now, for certain fights or the random e-peen in Dalaran, I might take back my 4 pieces, but other than that, I decided that those base stats are better than the random proc. Correct me if I am wrong though
Armory link: http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... ood&n=Vonx (hope my 2nd spec isn't PvP but I don't use MM anyways, so wouldn't make a difference if you saw it or not.)
Be. Imba: http://be.imba.hu/
Previous guilds and the reason you left:
Immortal Legion: I was in this guild waaaaay back in the day, when SSC was high priority and we used hours wiping on Lurker I raided Gruul and Karazhan with these guys but they eventually disbanded and I joined CT.
Crimson Tide: Oh boy, here comes the drama...
Well, I was in CT for 3 years, been raiding with them since early TBC and made friends here, friends that are making this transfer a hard choice. CT merged with CQ the other week, for some "potential" faster progress, and this meant that 50% of Conquest and CT raiders were backstabbed, betrayed and buttf*ucked. I mean, I have been at RL meets with these guys, raided with them every week, almost every day, talked for hours, had years of fun and this is what they do to us... I don't know, I just don't want to be in a guild where I am treated like shit. I still have friends there though, and I will def. keep contact with them!
The reason why I want to join you guys:
When I decided to leave P2, I had a few guilds in mind, and I did some research and asked around and you guys really did come out top. I know quite a few people in Ubi (Schro, Duggy, Lia etc.) and I knew you guys did some decidacted and focus raiding, which is what I want. The atmosphere seems nice, but also serious, which is exactly what I need. I am looking for a guild I can raid with, but also have fun with on vent, gchat, random heroics and other things!
What I would be able to bring to the game:
A happy way-to-skinny-anorexic-looking-piece of Bloodelf lady with a few Hunter abilities. Hopefully some nice DPS and fun chat too
List previous raiding experience you may have had.
KZ, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, MT, BT and 1 boss in Sunwell. (left for a year to study in the US when Sunwell was released)
Naxx 10/25, Ulduar 10/25, VoA 10/25, TotC 10/25 (all 4, me and Schro RL a weekly 10 man)OS 10/25, EoE 10/25 and everything else really.
Thats the serious part of the application, I thought I would throw in a little RP story aswell I hope you enjoyed the app and that you will seriously consider me. I am pretty sure most of old CT can vouch for me, and you will be able to find me ingame for some chatting. <3
Vonx was always a quiet little boy. He usually played in the forest with his smaller animal friends, usually cuddely animals like rabbits, squirrls, bear cubs and such. Compared to the other boys with Hunter blood running through their veins, Vonx was a pansy. He would hold tea-parties with the animals, dress them up, draw them hearts and other girly things. Vonx knew he was special, and so did his family and the other kids. He would usually get mocked, and insted of taking it as a man, he would cry for ages, talking to his animal friends, eat in depression and think about certain female idols. Vonx knew that even if he way a boy on the outside, he was a girl trapped inside, something was wrong. And one day, the almightly Blizzard granted him one wish, to become an outstanding hunter, or... have a sexchange.
He chose the later.
Name: Viktor
Age: 17
Nationality: Danish, though my mom is Swedish
Email Address: bamboviktor@hotmail.com
Name: Vonx
Class: Hunter
Race: Bloodelf Female
Talent Build
First off, I have a pet (wolf) with Ferocity build, for both of my specs, as this increases my AP with aprox. 200 and is the best DPS pet and spec availible for raids.
I obviously have two specs, the one I use mostely being SV. it focuses alot of increasing your damage with certain proc buffs, such as LaL, Expose Weakness, Sniper Training and others. It has focus on prioritizing your rotation, insted of having a specific rotation. You would fx use Black Arrow over Aimed Shot, as Black Arrows has a longer CD, and you might need to change your shots around if LaL procs (finishes cooldown of Explosive Shot immediately) and so on. I like it alot, as its not just a one-button wonder spec, but you have to think a little. Now, the discussion about MM> SV is a thing I don't agree with. Now, I tried my MM with full arp cap when my trinket procced and then damage seemed to be the same or even lower, but the spec was boring to play! So I chose to play SV and that is the spec you will see me raiding in.
My SV spec is bascisly the same as many others, though I came to the conclusion that it is enough with 1 talent point in Expose Weakness and 1 in Hunting Party, cause even with one in each, they will still be up 99% of the raid. Those talent points I get insted, are used in IAotH which gives me a 20% to get increased weapon speed. Small details FTW?
With my MM spec, it focuses on using 1 rotation, which you use throughout the whole fight, a lot like the old BM spec where you did the same thing over and over. You would for example put down a sting and never have to refreash it, because you would use Chimenera Shot at the right moment and so on. Arcane Shot and Multishot have been improved, so those are put into the rotation. Now, as I said earlier, I did try to go full MM for a while gemming for ARP and having it maxed when Grim Troll procked, but the damage just didn't seem better and it was sooooo boring...
Vital Statistics
HitRating: IMO, Hit Rating is the most important stat for hunters, until they have it maxed out at 8%. The way I see it, you can have alot of AP and Agi, but if you miss 1/10 shots, that's alot of damage lost, so you should be hitcapped. When you have gemmed and geared accordingly, you can start focusing on other stats, but I think you should also try to be as close to 8% as possible, but of course not go too much over it either, as that is a waste of hit. Now, one thing I have realised lately is that even if you have 7% hit, you never really miss a shot. I tried maxing my hit with Grim Troll, but traded it out with Mirror of Truth for a few raids to see if the proc and crit would increase my damage, and it surely did! Now, I am not hitcapped with that trinket, only at 7,2% but I missed 1 shot in a 4 hour raid!
Agility: Agility comes in as the 2nd most important stat for a hunter, and it's nr.1 if hit is maxxed out. Agility increases AP and critical rating, which gives you more damage on your shots. It also increases dodge but that of course doesn't really matter much in raiding. As Agi increases AP AND Crit, it should usually be chosen over AP, unless the AP amount is a LOT better (like 40 agi vs 200 AP or something)
Attack Power: Now, attack power isn't really a stat, but it's still really really good for Hunters. It can be increased by Agility but also but items and gems that just purely give AP. AP gives you more damage and it also stacks more damage on ticks, procs and so on. For example, my sting will tick for more, the more AP I have.
Intellect Now:, Intellect is really good, because a Hunter needs mana to shoot his special arrows. As a Hunter, you could in theory just stand there and shoot, but if you use your mana wisely, together with the right rotation, the DPS can be really good. The more mana you have, the more a Damage boost you get, as you can keep on Aspect of the Dragonhawk, insted of Aspect of the Viper.
Stamina : Stamina and Intellect are really close, and can be switched back and forth in importness, depending on which boss or instance. If you're dead, you obviously can't do any DPS either, and Stamina is also nice to have lots of when a boss gives raid wide AOE and it helps on the healers. It's of course nice to stay alive, but you shouldn't just always pick Stamina over Intellect or over Agi or visa versa.
Those are the 5 top stats IMO. (I left out ARP cause I don't see it as a stat. It does play a very very vital part of a hunter though, even more if you are MM.)
As for my gear, I have 4 pieces of T8.5, but I also have these two items:
Head from TotC: Sunreaver Ranger Helm
Chest from TotC: Curiass of Cruel Intent
Now, the 4th setbonus for a Hunter is a chance of 600 AP on a Steady Shot proc. It's not really a bad proc, but since a SV Hunter doesn't use SS that much, I decided to use those two items insted, which increases my base stats with 120 AP and 1,1% crit and some haste aswell. Now, for certain fights or the random e-peen in Dalaran, I might take back my 4 pieces, but other than that, I decided that those base stats are better than the random proc. Correct me if I am wrong though
Armory link: http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... ood&n=Vonx (hope my 2nd spec isn't PvP but I don't use MM anyways, so wouldn't make a difference if you saw it or not.)
Be. Imba: http://be.imba.hu/
Previous guilds and the reason you left:
Immortal Legion: I was in this guild waaaaay back in the day, when SSC was high priority and we used hours wiping on Lurker I raided Gruul and Karazhan with these guys but they eventually disbanded and I joined CT.
Crimson Tide: Oh boy, here comes the drama...
Well, I was in CT for 3 years, been raiding with them since early TBC and made friends here, friends that are making this transfer a hard choice. CT merged with CQ the other week, for some "potential" faster progress, and this meant that 50% of Conquest and CT raiders were backstabbed, betrayed and buttf*ucked. I mean, I have been at RL meets with these guys, raided with them every week, almost every day, talked for hours, had years of fun and this is what they do to us... I don't know, I just don't want to be in a guild where I am treated like shit. I still have friends there though, and I will def. keep contact with them!
The reason why I want to join you guys:
When I decided to leave P2, I had a few guilds in mind, and I did some research and asked around and you guys really did come out top. I know quite a few people in Ubi (Schro, Duggy, Lia etc.) and I knew you guys did some decidacted and focus raiding, which is what I want. The atmosphere seems nice, but also serious, which is exactly what I need. I am looking for a guild I can raid with, but also have fun with on vent, gchat, random heroics and other things!
What I would be able to bring to the game:
A happy way-to-skinny-anorexic-looking-piece of Bloodelf lady with a few Hunter abilities. Hopefully some nice DPS and fun chat too
List previous raiding experience you may have had.
KZ, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, MT, BT and 1 boss in Sunwell. (left for a year to study in the US when Sunwell was released)
Naxx 10/25, Ulduar 10/25, VoA 10/25, TotC 10/25 (all 4, me and Schro RL a weekly 10 man)OS 10/25, EoE 10/25 and everything else really.
Thats the serious part of the application, I thought I would throw in a little RP story aswell I hope you enjoyed the app and that you will seriously consider me. I am pretty sure most of old CT can vouch for me, and you will be able to find me ingame for some chatting. <3
Vonx was always a quiet little boy. He usually played in the forest with his smaller animal friends, usually cuddely animals like rabbits, squirrls, bear cubs and such. Compared to the other boys with Hunter blood running through their veins, Vonx was a pansy. He would hold tea-parties with the animals, dress them up, draw them hearts and other girly things. Vonx knew he was special, and so did his family and the other kids. He would usually get mocked, and insted of taking it as a man, he would cry for ages, talking to his animal friends, eat in depression and think about certain female idols. Vonx knew that even if he way a boy on the outside, he was a girl trapped inside, something was wrong. And one day, the almightly Blizzard granted him one wish, to become an outstanding hunter, or... have a sexchange.
He chose the later.
- Posts: 413
- Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:42 am
- Location: Israel/Tel Aviv
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Hey Vonx
I know very little about hunters and so i'll keep my question only about things I do know a little about.
Your professions are currently Skinning 450 and Alchemy at 299.
Correct me if I'm wrong please but for high end raiding there are much better choices for Professions for a hunter I believe.
I'd say that not having 2 good prof. is hindering your DPS from reaching it's max potential.
Could you please explain why you've chosen those two prof. mentioned above instead of others?
I know very little about hunters and so i'll keep my question only about things I do know a little about.
Your professions are currently Skinning 450 and Alchemy at 299.
Correct me if I'm wrong please but for high end raiding there are much better choices for Professions for a hunter I believe.
I'd say that not having 2 good prof. is hindering your DPS from reaching it's max potential.
Could you please explain why you've chosen those two prof. mentioned above instead of others?
Former member, Retired Happyface Tree
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
not my business but i dont think it is good idea put your email on public forum
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Thanks for a well written application. Even with a mini SV guide included!
Some pointers and questions:
Agree on 4 set bonus being very weak so taking better items for some slots might be more beneficial. But why take [item]46144[/item] as one of those 2 when [item]45143[/item] is so much better for SV?
Why are you currently at 8.69% hit?
You forgot some very important points about agi versus other stats. SV hunters gets 15% extra from agi, agi is a pure stat that scales with BoK and Expose Weakness is based on the amount of agi.
Which takes me to my next question. You claim 1 point in [spell]34500[/spell] is enough, though most use 2 points (including me) to keep close to 100% uptime.
Had a look at one of your latest log and here you reach an average of 73% uptime on 5 boss kills. http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-1 ... #tab-auras which kinda proves you wrong.
Featherstomp has a valid point about professions. Alchemy not maxed at 299 is kinda surprising, it would give extra rap from flasks with [spell]53042[/spell], but you'd have to reach at least 435 to get that. Skinning now gives [spell]53666[/spell] so that is a dps boost. Back in the old days gathering professions gave no benefit except an income of gold!
Xantros has a valid point as well, hope you have a good spam filter!
A girl trapped in a boys body you say ..... seems it's more common than I first thought!
Grats on the sex change though!
Some pointers and questions:
Agree on 4 set bonus being very weak so taking better items for some slots might be more beneficial. But why take [item]46144[/item] as one of those 2 when [item]45143[/item] is so much better for SV?
Why are you currently at 8.69% hit?
You forgot some very important points about agi versus other stats. SV hunters gets 15% extra from agi, agi is a pure stat that scales with BoK and Expose Weakness is based on the amount of agi.
Which takes me to my next question. You claim 1 point in [spell]34500[/spell] is enough, though most use 2 points (including me) to keep close to 100% uptime.
Had a look at one of your latest log and here you reach an average of 73% uptime on 5 boss kills. http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-1 ... #tab-auras which kinda proves you wrong.
Featherstomp has a valid point about professions. Alchemy not maxed at 299 is kinda surprising, it would give extra rap from flasks with [spell]53042[/spell], but you'd have to reach at least 435 to get that. Skinning now gives [spell]53666[/spell] so that is a dps boost. Back in the old days gathering professions gave no benefit except an income of gold!
Xantros has a valid point as well, hope you have a good spam filter!
A girl trapped in a boys body you say ..... seems it's more common than I first thought!
Grats on the sex change though!
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Inscription, Engineering and Tailoring are still much better than any gathering profession.Raf wrote:Skinning now gives [spell]53666[/spell] so that is a dps boost. Back in the old days gathering professions gave no benefit except an income of gold!
superuberpwneristic expialidocious
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Alright, first things first. Reason why I havn't leveled another prof is because I used to make money off skinning, the Crit was just a bonus really, and I am currently leveling Alchemey for longer time on flasks, procs, flasks in arena, money making and so on. It is taking its time, as Outland and other oldschool herbs aren't easy to get if you aren't a herber. I would say a week or two max, and it should be ready.
Hmm, I wonder why it was only on 78%, was pretty sure it should have been higher, I even remember joining a 17 page long discussion on some hunter forums once about it... will give it a few more tests before I respect back. And yeah, I didn't mention the Agility pointers, not sure why really. The reason I had over 8% hit was because I had Grim Toll equipped, which as I mentioned earlier isn't what I do for raids. I use Mirror of Truth here, which has a 1000 AP proc chance and Crit as a passive stat. It keeps me at just around 8% hit, just abit lower to be honest.
The reason I chose the head and chest over the T8.5 is because I simply don't have the Saronite Mesh Legguards, they have only dropped once for Crimson Tide, and I wasn't in that raid *silently cries*
Hope I managed to answer the questions, though by the looks of all the questions, I am getting nervous
Also, might have mentioned this earlier, but I know you have 3 active hunters at the moment, and being benched 50% of the time isn't always fun but might be nessecary and I wouldn't mind it. Don't want to make other raiders feel bad by like "Awh man a new guy, now I gotta be reserve" kinda thing if you know what i mean.
EDIT: Sorry about the reason I am over hitcap, it isnt because of my trinket, but because I got a new pair of boots! I got the new ones from Mimirion hardmode, which have hit on them, and my old ones (EoE renewed flight ones) didn't. Doesn't mean much that I have more than 8% atm, since I haven't gemmed or enchanted for hit, so it simply gives me the freedom to change another item that has hit on it, with an item that doesn't. Can't change much around to get lower hit atm, without it giving me lower stats.
Hmm, I wonder why it was only on 78%, was pretty sure it should have been higher, I even remember joining a 17 page long discussion on some hunter forums once about it... will give it a few more tests before I respect back. And yeah, I didn't mention the Agility pointers, not sure why really. The reason I had over 8% hit was because I had Grim Toll equipped, which as I mentioned earlier isn't what I do for raids. I use Mirror of Truth here, which has a 1000 AP proc chance and Crit as a passive stat. It keeps me at just around 8% hit, just abit lower to be honest.
The reason I chose the head and chest over the T8.5 is because I simply don't have the Saronite Mesh Legguards, they have only dropped once for Crimson Tide, and I wasn't in that raid *silently cries*
Hope I managed to answer the questions, though by the looks of all the questions, I am getting nervous
Also, might have mentioned this earlier, but I know you have 3 active hunters at the moment, and being benched 50% of the time isn't always fun but might be nessecary and I wouldn't mind it. Don't want to make other raiders feel bad by like "Awh man a new guy, now I gotta be reserve" kinda thing if you know what i mean.
EDIT: Sorry about the reason I am over hitcap, it isnt because of my trinket, but because I got a new pair of boots! I got the new ones from Mimirion hardmode, which have hit on them, and my old ones (EoE renewed flight ones) didn't. Doesn't mean much that I have more than 8% atm, since I haven't gemmed or enchanted for hit, so it simply gives me the freedom to change another item that has hit on it, with an item that doesn't. Can't change much around to get lower hit atm, without it giving me lower stats.
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Oh god, belf female. There's nothing I hate more than the Lynessas and Anubelles of the world with their skank pattycake club at the north bank. >_<
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
I have done many raids with Vonx, and seems to be a good player, but I'm not hunter expert, so i'll leave that down to you Raf/Aslad/Parti
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Dug wrote:I have done many raids with Vonx, and seems to be a good player, but I'm not hunter expert, so i'll leave that down to you Raf/Aslad/Parti
Me too
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Hey guys I'm still reading the forums although I still have not renewed my sub.
I raided with Vonx in Crimson Tide additionally he was always keen to join any extra raids he could get into. This would have been about a year and a half ago. Although I found him annoying at times (due to his age, not his fault), he was very dedicated and a competent dpser. Negative points would be his over-zealousness for dps leading to him doing some pretty stupid/wreckless things, which is the usual double-edged sword of a keen damage dealer. If you want an eager and active raider I would recommend him.
I raided with Vonx in Crimson Tide additionally he was always keen to join any extra raids he could get into. This would have been about a year and a half ago. Although I found him annoying at times (due to his age, not his fault), he was very dedicated and a competent dpser. Negative points would be his over-zealousness for dps leading to him doing some pretty stupid/wreckless things, which is the usual double-edged sword of a keen damage dealer. If you want an eager and active raider I would recommend him.
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
You don`t need to be a hunter expert to see if someone sucks in game or not some small mistakes can be fixed.
For things like that we have trial status.
For things like that we have trial status.
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
Invited for trial!
Re: Vonx - SV/MM hunter
I've raided with this guy and he seems a very competent and skilled hunter!