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Darkshadez - Holy/Disc priest app

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:53 pm
by darkshadez
Some things i'd like to say before applying. I moved from Chamber of Aspects when my old guild disbanded so i'm here about 2 weeks(will explain later in more detail). A while back i /w'd cibee and asked if there's a possible spot in the guild , he told me to /w Vintoran (which i didn't cause , some friends talked me into applying at the hungering cold first). I don't really know much ppl on the server only about a handful that transfered with me :(

- Class
Blood Elf Priest

- Spec
Holy (u can say mainspec) / Disc "offspec"

- Gear (best link to a profile) ... Darkshadez

- Guild you're in now / guild you were in before (reasons you left)
When i moved to Defias i joined TeF but as u already know TeF has disbanded (i was there only 8 days /cry). Atm i am guildless as i am looking for a raiding guild (and most the ppl i knew joined THC so i gave it a shot - full on holy priests :()

- Why you want to apply to us
I want a raiding guild and after doing some research i found that u and THC are the very best of the server.

- What do you think you can bring to us
Cookiez (and everything that a priest can bring , stam buff - heals etc)

- Only apply if you can raid at days / hours we're raiding
I can all days , thou some sundays i might be 10-15mins late to the invites (like 1/10).


And some ppl outside the guild can vouch for my ability to faceroll

I hope to hear from u soon-ish .... I am guildless for a bit over 2.5 weeks and the no-raiding is killing me :(

I have some screenshots to link if u want me to (just ask)
Ask me as many questions as u like & if u need more details on anything just poke me.

Re: Darkshadez - Holy/Disc priest app

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:57 pm
by Vintoran
Like I said ingame, we are unfortunately full on priests at the moment and thus have to dicline your application.
Good luck finding another guild!