Hall of Fame
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:03 pm
Ubiquity's Hall of Fame
03.05.10 - The Plagueworks cleared in heroic mode!
26.04.10 - The Frostwing Halls cleared in heroic mode!
07.04.10 - The Citadel cleared in heroic mode!
22.03.10 - Heroic: The Crimson Hall cleared!
03.03.10 - The Lich King is no longer lord of the Scourge!
08.02.10 - Sindragosa took a chill pill!
27.01.10 - Blood-Queen Lana'thel was left fangless in The Crimson Hall!
17.01.10 - Putricide killed and The Plagueworks cleared! (Horde first!)
09.12.09 - The Citadel was stormed! (Horde first!)
09.11.09 - Anub'arak killed in heroic mode!
21.10.09 - The planet was saved from being re-originated!
28.09.09 - The Twin Val'kyr were killed in heroic mode!
23.09.09 - The Faction Champions were killed in heroic mode!
13.09.09 - Lord Jaraxxus was killed in heroic mode!
09.09.09 - The Northrend Beasts were slain in heroic mode! (Horde first!)
02.09.09 - Anub'arak dug himself to an early grave!
30.08.09 - Freya with her 3 Elders alive was knocked over!
26.08.09 - The Twin Val'kyr went down in a flash of light and darkness! (Server first!)
19.08.09 - Mimiron's creations was destroyed through the blazing fires!
19.08.09 - The Faction Champions were controlled and eliminated!
(Image not from first kill)
12.08.09 - Lord Jaraxxus and his Mistresses of Pain were easily slain!
10.08.09 - General Vezax didn't get much help from his Saronite Animus!
05.08.09 - The Beasts of Northrend wasn't so scary!
20.07.09 - Hodir was too slow!
13.07.09 - Steelbreaker was the last to fall!
17.06.09 - Broke XT-002's heart!
10.06.09 - Flame Leviathan nuked with all 4 defense systems up! (Horde first on DB!)
08.06.09 - Thorim with his wife Sif defeated in hard mode! (Server first!)
10.05.09 - The Old God Yogg-Saron bit off more than he could chew!
03.05.09 - General Vezax killed and we are ready for some Yogg-Saron madness!
27.04.09 - [achievement]Heroic: The Keepers of Ulduar[/achievement] completed with the kill of Mimiron!
22.12.08 - The Twilight Vanquishers of Ubiquity! (Horde first on DB!)
30.11.08 - Malygos the Spell-Weaver was killed in The Eye of Eternity! (Horde first on DB!)
26.11.08 - Sartharion The Onyx Guardian was killed within his sanctum!
(Image not from first kill)
24.11.08 - The Archlich Kel'Thuzad was killed in his chambers and Naxxramas cleared! (Horde first on DB!)
03.05.10 - The Plagueworks cleared in heroic mode!
26.04.10 - The Frostwing Halls cleared in heroic mode!
07.04.10 - The Citadel cleared in heroic mode!
22.03.10 - Heroic: The Crimson Hall cleared!
03.03.10 - The Lich King is no longer lord of the Scourge!
08.02.10 - Sindragosa took a chill pill!
27.01.10 - Blood-Queen Lana'thel was left fangless in The Crimson Hall!
17.01.10 - Putricide killed and The Plagueworks cleared! (Horde first!)
09.12.09 - The Citadel was stormed! (Horde first!)
09.11.09 - Anub'arak killed in heroic mode!
21.10.09 - The planet was saved from being re-originated!
28.09.09 - The Twin Val'kyr were killed in heroic mode!
23.09.09 - The Faction Champions were killed in heroic mode!
13.09.09 - Lord Jaraxxus was killed in heroic mode!
09.09.09 - The Northrend Beasts were slain in heroic mode! (Horde first!)
02.09.09 - Anub'arak dug himself to an early grave!
30.08.09 - Freya with her 3 Elders alive was knocked over!
26.08.09 - The Twin Val'kyr went down in a flash of light and darkness! (Server first!)
19.08.09 - Mimiron's creations was destroyed through the blazing fires!
19.08.09 - The Faction Champions were controlled and eliminated!
(Image not from first kill)
12.08.09 - Lord Jaraxxus and his Mistresses of Pain were easily slain!
10.08.09 - General Vezax didn't get much help from his Saronite Animus!
05.08.09 - The Beasts of Northrend wasn't so scary!
20.07.09 - Hodir was too slow!
13.07.09 - Steelbreaker was the last to fall!
17.06.09 - Broke XT-002's heart!
10.06.09 - Flame Leviathan nuked with all 4 defense systems up! (Horde first on DB!)
08.06.09 - Thorim with his wife Sif defeated in hard mode! (Server first!)
10.05.09 - The Old God Yogg-Saron bit off more than he could chew!
03.05.09 - General Vezax killed and we are ready for some Yogg-Saron madness!
27.04.09 - [achievement]Heroic: The Keepers of Ulduar[/achievement] completed with the kill of Mimiron!
22.12.08 - The Twilight Vanquishers of Ubiquity! (Horde first on DB!)
30.11.08 - Malygos the Spell-Weaver was killed in The Eye of Eternity! (Horde first on DB!)
26.11.08 - Sartharion The Onyx Guardian was killed within his sanctum!
(Image not from first kill)
24.11.08 - The Archlich Kel'Thuzad was killed in his chambers and Naxxramas cleared! (Horde first on DB!)