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Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:39 am
by presley
- Class: Priest

- Spec: Holy CoH raidspecc / Inbetween Disipline for pvp wich I enjoy very much

- Gear: ... &n=Presley
Since mostly run around in pvp gear/specc these days Id like to show my gear in personal if I be of any intrest of you.

- Guild you re in now / guild you were in before (reasons you left): Been in Orphans grim for over 1 year,reasons I left mainly is the guild taken a more casual turn,wich dont share the same endurant attitude to the game as me. Started raid in orphans as rogue ,but switched main to priest,though it was most needed to keep raids going,and discovered priest is a class I love to play and are alot better at then rogue.

- Why you want to apply to us: I enjoy endgame with a mature bunch of players, been thinking about apply several times in the past,but I was too shy/scared I guess, (my main was rogue same as your guildleader,even more scary)Heard only good things about Ubiquity over the years. I know Saphne and hes telling me this guild is great in all ways.

- What do you think you can bring to us: In me you will find dedication ,endurance,experience,lots sick humor,emotional erruptions ,a helping hand.
Been playing wow since the release so Im addicted, mabye can call me a geek too.
Pre tbc cleared all bwl AQ naxx (in the alliance guild mithirid on shattered hand as mage) when raid I prepare best i can pre reading/consumables/addons,and i expect all in raid shows same respect and try their best.

Something about me:I am Lisa, a swedish lady "about" 30 years old live in Malmö.
Openminded,listen to 70s 80 s music queen niel young u2 led zepp pink floyd alots more,,,play wow, intrested in science, space,singing,cooking,cats,beer,boys,slacking,full time javelin trower when younger ,did lots of sports,and enjoy life is what I like.

Thats my application

best regards/Lisa

Re: Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:25 pm
by Saphne
Finally you made the move and applied.

I know Lisa well and can absolutely vouch for her. Absolutely one of the most dedicated players ive played along with.

Re: Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:35 am
by Droxx
She is a fan of the zepp I approve :)

Re: Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:41 am
by Evertrue
Had some concerts with him/her in the late 60's ... should be enuff, eh? My experience after some merged playhours was nice - play- and communicationwise, though I ain't got the skillz to judge upon the first issue objectively.

Re: Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:53 am
by pupu
now i can talk about music with some1

Re: Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:55 am
by Droxx

Everyone I endorse usually fails the trial :) so I should withdraw hehe

Re: Presley 70 undead priest looking for a home

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:01 pm
by Vintoran
Try to catch me or Maddo ingame.