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Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:02 pm
by Sitruc
Hey here the application for Sitruc the Holy Din hope you like :)

Player Info
- Real Name: Curt
- Age: 18
- Country: England
- Work: Work early morning on Weekend, no effect on raiding hours.
- Playhours/Week: 30-40 hours give or take
- Interests: Computer Graphics, Web design, Programming, Gaming, Badminton ^^

Personal questions
- Why do you want to join?
Really would like to experience some decent raiding again, The Redeemed’s raiding days seem to be coming to a close, and I just want to get back in to raiding as it the main aspect of the game I enjoy. I have raided, Pvp'd and spoke with many players within your guild all of which are decent players never step out of line and a great player to play, to be part of that would be great to experience.

- How do you believe you can contribute to Ubiquity?
I had an Officer role within the Redeemed, and had many roles and did many tasks while doing that, not saying i would join you guys and take the same role you guys are in a different league and have everything sorted. My dedication to the guild and my love for raiding would keep me active with you guys i aim to progress in everything i do an always trying to the best of my ability, hopefully thats enough for you guys.

- Can you promise to respect and follow the realm policy?
Absolutely, no doubt.

- Which guilds were you previously in, and why did you leave them? (please list them all)
<Ascendance> - <There was a lack of progress for me we where struggling on the likes of Maiden in Karazhan back in the day where you had to earn you gear, got an offer from SD and wanted to see what the likes of 25 man raiding entailed ^^>
<Soceitas Dameonica> - <The Guild Leader and the 2 main officers, moved to another server and raiding came to a close within the guild, everyone pretty much went the separate ways.>
<Dragonblood Conclave> - <The Guild Split up after 1 or 2 months after me being in it was due to inactivity of players not showing for raids etc, leaders gave up.>
<Vicious Blades> - <There was a fiasco within a raid where by 3 members left the guild due to the inviting a member of another guild into the raid they didn’t get on with and there we arguments etc, and those 3 formed a new guild and took some of the players with them. Leaving VB will little people to continue Leaders stopped playing on this server from what I know. >
<Violent Noise> - <Where disagreements within the officer ranks, we first lost the almighty Otelo our main raid leader and many people had their doubt about whether the guild would have any chance, within a week after that Otelo made a new guild called The Redeemed, and got most of the good players into the guild bah those who caused the disagreements.>
<The Redeemed > - <First started by loosing too many decent raiders to RL and then AOC, and raids seem to get harder and harder eventually people started too loose hope and looked for new places to go, and most moved on unfortunately. Soon we had lost too many people that we where pretty much beyond recovery. Was good while it lasted.>

Raid questions
- How many of our raid days will you be there for each week? Can attend all raids, can be on every day of the week.
- What raid buffs do you bring?(Not what you can make, but what you use in terms of elixirs, potions, food and other consumables)?
My normal raid consist of bringing the following:
- 2/3 x Flask of Distilled Wisdom (65 + Intellect)
- 20/40 x Golden Fish Sticks (44 + Healing)
- 2 x 5 charges of Brilliant Mana Oil (25 + Healing and 12 mana per 5)
- 20 x Adept’s Elixir (24 Spell crit and spell dmg and healing)
- 20 x Elixir of Draenic Wisdom (30 x Intellect and Spirit)
- 20 x Super Mana Potions

- What do you believe is the key to progress raiding? Hard work, Perseverance, Patience and good understanding of what the fight entails.
- What is the most important part of raiding for you? Enjoying the raid and getting things done 
- Do you promise to commit to the spec type we recruit you as (IE. Healing, DPS, tank)? I’ve been healer since I realized it was the only real good thing pallys where good for which is no like 1 and ½ years ago ^^ not changing any time, soo, but I do have a pretty decent set of prot gear hiding away in my bank 
- Do you play from a stable computer, with a stable internet connection? Yes, very rarely get any trouble with my connection or computer.
- Which Tier-6 bosses have you killed?
All in Hyjal, have killed all up to ROS in BT but not killed or reached P3, read up on all tactics in Black Temple. Also have my ring from BT/Hyjal Attunement which im proud of as i attained it before patch release :)

Character Info
- Name: Sitruc
- Armory link: ... d&n=Sitruc
- link: ... ter=Sitruc
- Post the stats of your character that most influences your performance in raids: Have a decent amount of healing, and often crit with heals so retain a large amount of my mana.

Un-buffed Stats:
Health: 8257
Mana: 11448
Bonus Healing: 2317
Holy Crit Chance: 23.35%
Mana Regen: 228

Roleplay Info
- Background Story and Character Description (The longer, the better - but don't overdo it):
As a young Blood elf i grew up in the small village of Sunstrider Isle, i was abandoned as a child and left on the doorstep of a wise man named Jesthenis Sunstriker he took me in as a baby and brought me up as one of his own. He was a man of many tales and stories of his adventures and the journey he had been on. From the age of 5 i began to learn the way of the Paladin, at the age of 17 i left my home at Sunstrider Isle and Eversong woods and decided it was time to travel. With all the knowledge of Jesthenis I knew that i my journey would be a struggle but i knew that i would get through it with what he taught me. I tackled may opponents when leaving my home, and not one did i not manage to take down with my sword. Many years have past since then and now i sit much the wiser, about a year back i decided it was time for a change and i began to improve on my healing ability and aid others in their journey offering my healing ability when ever i could. Now i consider myself to be an extremely powerful healer, and i know my journey is just beginning.

Few Extra things I thought id include:

- I have full Shadow Resistance gear with 295 + shadow resistance unbuffed, brining me to 365 Cap when buffed.
The Armory may not have updated but I may appear in my PVP gear fingers crossed it updates. But if you need to inspect me poke me in game and I can come and show you.

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:06 pm
by Sitruc
If my Links to Armory and Be Imba happen to show me in PVP and you would like to inspect me then Please just post here or pm me in game and i will give you a viewing :wink:

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:55 am
by Sitruc
Withdrawing my application got accepted into The Esoteric Foundation

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:31 am
by Varanor
Sitruc wrote: I’ve been healer since I realized it was the only real good thing pallys where good for which is no like 1 and ½ years ago ^^

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:32 am
by Varanor
Sitruc wrote:Withdrawing my application got accepted into The Esoteric Foundation
That was fast.

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:10 am
by Sitruc
Well it took em a while took give a final answer Best of luck to you guys anyway :)

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:34 am
by Hautala
Vara it is seems eso > ubi ^_^

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:16 pm
by Sitruc
Im not gana comment on that o.O but i will say i applied to them first due to you being full on holy paladin speaking to many people in your guild said would inform me if spots opened up, but thought may as well put an app in as there where two other holy palas doing so. Already had applied to TEF, on getting in there, i didn't feel it would have been correct to wait for a response from you really so i think joining them and withdrawing my application with you guys was the better move to make. Best of Luck in SwP :)


Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:32 pm
by Saphne
Good luck there Sitruc.

Re: Sitruc Holy Paladin

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:13 pm
by Hautala
Sitruc wrote:Im not gana comment on that o.O but i will say i applied to them first due to you being full on holy paladin speaking to many people in your guild said would inform me if spots opened up, but thought may as well put an app in as there where two other holy palas doing so. Already had applied to TEF, on getting in there, i didn't feel it would have been correct to wait for a response from you really so i think joining them and withdrawing my application with you guys was the better move to make. Best of Luck in SwP :)

Ofc, i'm just fucking around :)