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Kexa - Mage

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:30 pm
by Kexa
Hello, I am Kexa and I'd like to join your ranks.

Character name: Kexa
Class: Mage
Spec: 11/47/3 atm (using 2/48/11 or 0/47/14 also) ... ood&n=Kexa

Guild you re in now / guild you were in before:
I am in Blackhearted atm, which is guild from my friend. Having fun is everything we do in it.
Last serious guild i was in was The Redeemed. We had problems with canceled raids and active members. And even those signed up for raids and then never showed up. Had many other problems also and one day i had it over my head so i packed my suitcases.

Why you want to apply to us
Very soon after i left i started to miss raiding and raiding is beside friends main reason why i play WoW lately. Also i want to down some top end game bosses before WotLK come out. Beside that Bojcy, who is my RL brother, said that you have realy nice guild atmosphere.

What do you think you can bring to us?
I can bring fresh hot biscuits, good dps and my sheep (working to get turtle :p). Next to that a dedicated raider that prepares for raids and never come late on raid. I am experienced raider who did up to AQ40 pre tbc on druid and 5/9 of BT mage).

I am Matej, 20 years old, and I live in Slovenia. Currently i am studing Mechanical engeneering in Maribor. Beside that i am a soccer referee in RL also. I am big fan of balkan music like Seka Aleksič, Ceca, Mile Kitič etc.

Thanks for reading and sorry for typos.
Hope to hear from you soon
Matej aka Kexa

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:45 pm
by Hautala
Hello Kexa,

Thank you for applying to Ubiquity. Then to the facts and hau-help.

You need more spell hit rating and spell damage. Haste rating is good only at over 1300 spd. So 1200 + flask + buff food + oil. One thing you can do is re-gem to reach 164 spell hit rating or get some badge gear things. Check sites for general things and

Anyways we aren't recruiting mages at this point. Good luck in finding a suitable guild. Though you can keep asking me once in a while :p

-Hautala, Forced Class Officer of Ubiquity Mages

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:55 pm
by Kexa
We use to have elemental shammy in group and because i have lower hit (hit cap with him in party) and i have over 1.3k + dmg with his totem. so i went for spellhaste to do moar dps.

Anyway ty for reply and gl with your raids in future.

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:21 pm
by Hautala
Aah an elemental shaman, wtb one of those too D;

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:59 pm
by Kexa

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:25 pm
by Gedo
Hi Kexa, thanks for applying again.
After we spoke in-game I see that you have more or less decent gear.

What is, in your opinion, the hardest fight for a mage? And why?
What addons do you use?
How do you handle your cooldowns?
What's the best way for a mage to do AoE damage, in your opinion? What is your AoE experience?

p.s. and hope that you're ready to attend 3 of 3 raid days per week, and show us some dps as well ;)

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:59 pm
by Kexa
Hi There Gedo!

My aoe combo is Combustion, Both Trinkets (they stack), Dragon breath (to get high crit chance), Blast wave, Icy veins and spam AE. I use Dragon breath and blastwave when ever they are off cd. Worked well for me. I am exalted with MH so i did a bit aoe in my lifetime already :P

Hmm addons, dunno realy where should i start :) ammm Bongos2, Smartbuff, Smartdebuff, Omen2, Atlas, X-perl, Deadly Boss Mods, Bagnon, Big Wigs, Recount, Solarian alarm (laughed when i saw that i still ahve it :)), Cartographer, Nature Enemy Cast Bars.

I use Hex Shrunked Head and Serpent-Coil Brand trinkets because they stack, on trash i use them when ever they are off cooldown. Same goes with combustion. On bosses I use All 3 CDs at same time for highest dmg burst and in most fights i try to work out with shaman when he gonna pop Bloodlust to get as much as possible out of trinkets.

Hardest fights for mage are tank and spank ones... Pressing one button all the time (dont count scorch here :P). Got some problems with staying awake :P Problem is that i like hard fights like Lady (kited those walkers with specing cold) and Archi. Always hated Kaz'rogal because i had to leave fight at 10-5% and melle were like... yey we beated ur damage done... ARgh :evil: :evil:

Hope i answered all, if not just write more questions :P

Greetings, Kexa

PS:Attending to raids isn't a problem, we had 4 raid days in old guild and i managed them.

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:05 pm
by Bizuk
Even though what I say means nothing at the minute, I'd have to say that Kexa is a great mage, never messes up on boss fights and is always on-time for raids as far as my experience goes with him.

Re: Kexa - Mage

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:13 pm
by Gedo
Accepted on trial.
Speak to me in-game later this evening. (7.07.2008)