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Application Druid

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:17 pm
by Mortore
hello my name is Mortore , im a balance Druid lvl 70 ofcourse , and i like to join your guild
I'm 29 years old in RL and i love playing wow

Background : was leader and founder of raiding guild on this server for 2 years but burned out a bit after that. Played a bit ( not too much thou) less last few montfs but still play like 10h a day , on good days might go up to 18h.
Previous guilds: Immortal Legion , Ravens . Immortal Legion merged with ravens to get better raid progress but we didnt manage to step it up and a lot of members decided to merge to Venture Co server. Since i know a lot of people here , and have quitte a lot of friend , i didnt wanna merge. So i decided to focus on pvp and maxing out my char where it was still possible. Now that i ran out of goals that i can accomplish alone i like to see the things i didnt see. MH/BT/SWP

Motivation: i know a lot of members i your guild and some have been asking to apply for long time , and i think im ready and skilled enough now to try. Dedication is np as you can ask my friends who are already in your guild. They know me well and i think they all will vouch for me when that is needed. Did some heroics the last days with uby members and indeed this is how i want to play. No slacking ,prepared , descent geared , fun but still focussed. Did test run with rethullion in MgT Heroic with schro and hautala and that went well i think :D. I know the raiding rules , i have all enchants materials for possible upgrades , flasks , food, etc etc. Able to use TS, VT , big wiggs, DBM Omen etc.

Char: LVL 70 Druid Main Spec Balanced geared maxed out and descent. Possible to spec any spec needed with karazan healing and feral gear . Also maxed out ofcourse . Feral set could use some upgrades but willing to work on that if needed. played druid for 3 years now and have well over 200days /played. Epic riding skills , Exhalted with any fraction in outland except for ogrilla since its completely useless for my char. G is no issue as i really like to farm. and several gems , enchants,and repbuffs already crafted and stored for possible upgrades in future. My proffesion are alchemy and herbalism. both 375 and able to craft any pot ingame except for the exlixer of firepower since im aldor exhalted and you need scryers for that one. But saving up to reroll to scryers , have over 30k rep on bank but want to do it in one part so i dont loose the buff for my necklace and shoulders . Raidleaded everything up to SSC/TK on this char so aware of tactics and needs of all classes in raid .

Personal info: 29years old, living in belgium,
hobby's : wow, cars , snowboarding and going out. If im not on wow im driving my car most of the time.

People i know in your guild: hautala, schrodinger , fuji , cojju , rethu( since MgT run :D) dinown and few more.
Alts proffesions enchanting375 tailloring375 minning375
Things i could add to the group. dedicated and focussed raider , i could craft pots/flask for raids. and i think i know my char pretty good and able and willing to play in any specc needed. come prepared to raid

So i hope this covers it guys if not dont hassitate to /w me ingame Greetzors

Re: Application Druid

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:07 pm
by Hautala
Nice application ! Boomkin sounds good to me :)
Good luck !

Re: Application Druid

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:59 pm
by Fuji
Go go go force mortore in the guild!! nice application btw.

Re: Application Druid

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:43 pm
by Emeli
Thank you for your application. I am pretty sure we wont use Boomkins in PVE, and neitehr could we use a kara equipped resto/feral druid.

Thanks for your application,

this isnt my final answer, i will tell oyu soon

regards, ammeli

Re: Application Druid

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:11 am
by schrodinger
I know Mortore for a very long time. (even before i know ubiquity :mrgreen: )
uber-active and dedicated player. also nice dps.
Gear gap can be covered easily with one of our "de-all" bt runs :twisted:

Re: Application Druid

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:31 pm
by Gedo
but gap in a raidgroup to place there a moonkin will be really hard to find, imo