Applications (Readme)

Please read the manual how to apply first.

Moderator: Class officer

Guild Leader
Posts: 2329
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:51 pm
Location: Behind You

Applications (Readme)

Post by Môurn »

So you found us and want to raid with us. Great! Create a forum account(NB: not an EQDKP portal account) and post a thread in the Applications Forum. Write your character's name and class in the subject field. Feel free to post the names and classes of friends interested in joining as well. The class officer will answer your application within a few days. See you soon!

Standard raid days are:

Monday starting 19:00h

Wednesday starting 19:00h

Sunday starting 19:00h

(Invites start 30 min earlier)

Raids end when we have reached our goals for the day.

Minimum Requirements:

- Lvl 80

- Tier 10 Quality Gear

- All DPS classes must provide a link of their DPS via WoL reports (better) or a couple of screenshots (not as good) from 25 man raids

Please also post your:

- Class
- Spec
- Gear (best link to a profile)
- Guild you're in now / guild you were in before (reasons you left)
- Why you want to apply to us
- What do you think you can bring to us
- Some info about class/spec, dps rotation, healing style
- Only apply if you can raid at days / hours we're raiding

Some aditional info about you, maybe your rl name / kind of music you listen and so on...

Trial Phase

All new applicants will be on a trial phase once admitted into the grp.

The trial phase:

- is minimum 2 weeks maximum 4 weeks

- players on trial must sign up and be available for minimum 2 of the 3 official raids per week

- players on trial earn full EP, GP

- players on trial are allowed to bid and roll on items, but will not be allowed to outbid or out roll full members. they receive full loot privileges once attaining full member status. we will never disenchant any loot any player regardless of status needs.

i cannot stress enough, how important it is to impress us from day one with your activity and friendly attitude. you don´t have much time to leave a good impression, so make sure you start right with your application!

also, please understand, that we will always need a few days maybe even over a week to discuss your application and give you a decision. :)
funny how there is always so much month left at the end of the money