Name: Leroy v. Doorn
Age:16 years old.
Typ of music:Rock and Club music(That is a genre

Language's:Dutch(Main), English and a bit of German.
Character info:
Level: 80
Class: Druid
Spec:My mainspec is Feral tanking and my offspec is Balance PvP(Note: I'm willing to improve my balance gear thus meaning my feral as offspec. The reason I would do this is because you guys need a Balance druid, current recruitment status says that.)
Proffesions:Leatherworking 450/450, Skinning 450/450, Cooking and Fishing 450/450(I've also got every recipie from wotlk cooking vendor.) Next to these proffesion I have a mage who has Engineering and Mining incase we need that.
Armory link: ... n=Amethist
Past Guild history:
The Red Axe PvE (Break-up), Beyond reality PvP(Break-up), Darkness comes PvE guild from LB(Left because I had a 6month break+server change afterwards, also known as Legion of Justice).
Reason for leaving your current guild and applying to Ubiquity:
I've left The Phased Vanquishers because they didn't seem to have any focus on clearen LK on 10man, they kept on fooling around and didn't had any focus on the task on hand. Which made me consider finding a serious guild. Also the raid envoriment in that guild seem quite unstable.
I want to join Ubiquity because I want a stable raid envoriment, which provides focussed people that are really willing to get further in the progress even if that means wiping all night. And it seems, after I had some research on the guild, that you guys provide all that.
Beside from raiding, I'm hoping that the guild holds a good social envoriment of kind people who won't mind having a chat or two.
What do you think you can bring to us.
I can bring you a very active,honest and happy player who works excellent in a team effort. Besides from that I'm very flexible and willing to do loads of stuff if that would end in a benefit for the guild. I also don't mind helping guildies out that are in need of help what ever that help may be. Also, my Druid always brings flasks, food and any additonal buffs that are needed(such as a paladin kings buff for example.) Furtheron I've got a mage which is somewhat decent geared that has a Arcane PvE spec if we happen to need one. Moving on, I also don't mind staying around after or before raids for a chat as I think that personal relationships are also important in the guild. I also don't mind helping out on new tactics discussion as I love solving any raid encounter problem we might encounter. I can also promiss that I will always recap on tactics / any info that may be required so I can maximise my effort in the raid. I also don't mind taking tips and critism thus also meaning I can provide my opinion to any matter.
Some info about class/spec, dps rotation, healing style
I've made, as many druids have, my druid a HP sponge. That means that I've stacked on 30stam gems along one 10agi/15stam. gem. Furtheron my druid has loads of migation. He has 51%dodge, crit immunity, dmg reduction, and a health regen pausible from leader of the pack. Speaking of talents, I've chosen the King of the Jungle talent so I can improve the T10 4 set bonus. Because along the benefit of having 12% lesser dmg when I use Enrage I now also have 15% extra dmg each time I use it. Moving on from there, I've chosen to have improved leader of the pack. It gives everytime anyone lands a critical dmg hit he'll gain 4% of his total health back. And as we are used to crit almost every time, then this will help alot.
Summing that all up, my druid holds himself up and in the meantime lends the raid a handfull of buffs.
Tanking rotation(Idealy.): (I always keep maul que'd.) Charge,Enrage, Demo. roar,Faerie fire(feral),Mangle,lacerate,lacerate,Faerie Fire,Mangle,Lacerate,Lacerate,Faerie Fire, Mangle,Lacerate,Swipe,Demo. Roar, Beserk,Mangle and only replenish lacerate for 5stack upkeep,Faerie fire,Mangle,Lacerate,Swipe. Rense and Repeat.
Now I also have defense abilities which will be used at a certain time in a encounter, I would post when but as every fight is different I can't really tell.
Additonal notes:
-I will be on vacation from 30th of Juli till 9th of August. Its a huge lan called Campzone, I can still play wow there but it'll be alot less then when I'm not there.
-I've got my mage proffession Engi 450/450 and Mining 450/450 incase you need him for raiding spot or anything from his proffs.
PVE experience:
In TBC I've done all this: All HC's(Cleared), Kharazhan(Cleared),Zul'aman(Cleared),Magtheridon(Cleared),
Gruul(cleared),Tempest Keep(Cleared),Black Temple(1st 2 bosses done),Sunwell(1st 4 bosses done).
In Wotlk I've done almost everything, but I've had a 6month break which made me skip Ulduar/Trial of the Crusade.
A list, being more specefic what I cleared:Naxx10/25man(cleared),Obsidium Sanctum10/25man 3drakes(cleared),Malygos10/25man(Cleared),Onyxia10/25man(cleared),Ulduar10man Achieve run(only need mimi,general and yogg yet),ToC10/25man(cleared, only done the 1st boss on 10man on HC mode. Haven't looked for a pug to clear it HC because no one is good enough :/),ICC 10man 11/12, ICC 25man 6/12.
If I left any raid out, feel free to ask me.
I hope that you guys liked my App. And I hope I can enter this guild soon!

P.S. If I left anything out or unclear, feel free to ask me about it.