Hai thar. Theysa, formally Sandicus of the horde speaking. First of all, hope that raiding is going well and gratz on downing Lich King heroic 10, but more importantly did you know.. ....you're world ranking is currently leet, as in 1337 according to WoWprogress. I was unsure if any of ye would noti...
Also, is armory bugging or do you have no enchanted gear? With the exception of your shoulders, (could have been other shizz, I just briefly looked it over )
Spelling errors are intentional. Things like 'mai' are an example of my battle against 'text talk' and shizz. A lot of the points you mentioned are things I am aware of but have yet to get around to. Gems in headpiece are all over the place which I genuinely missed out on or something, I'll have the...
How are ya now Ubiquity. I'm Sandicus, a 19 year old English student from Ireland. Class. Druid. Spec. Balance mainspec with strong resto gear for when I want to dust off mai duelspec. Almost of all mai raiding experiences have come from a restoration perspective, recently however I've taken up the ...