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Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:48 am
by Elfcracker
Greetings to you all,

I'm Elfcracker, a homeless, big owl looking for a friendly nest. After some contemplation, I've come to the conclusion that your guild might be the one!

So please read through my application:

Name: Elfcracker
Class: Druid
Spec: Balance
Gear: ... Elfcracker
Spec: ... er&group=1
About the spec: The only thing in my spec that I find somewhat arguable, is Genesis vs Nature's Focus. If you have done some research, about which one is better, please do tell.
Guild history: Please read below.
Why apply to Ubiquity: I want challenges in this game. The only real challenges are now at ICC25 HC, and I want to be a part of a good team to reach the goal of being server #1, or as close to it as possible.
What can I bring to your guild: I bring you a very experienced player with huge raiding experience, good gear, good understanding of tactics, and a fast learner. I'm not the one to tell twice "to stop failing", because IF I somehow fail, the same mistake doesn't happen twice. That's what this game is really about: Knowing your tactics, knowing your rotation, and avoiding failing. Pretty easy, right?
Rotation info: 1) Apply FF 2) Keep moonfire up 3) Use treants on all CDs 4) Use Starfall on nice AoE spots but don't pull aggro 5) Hope for a quick crit to get a nice eclipse rotation going on 6) Apply dots if you have to run, maybe shoot the Laser Cannon (typhoon) 7) Repeat
DPS: Unfortunately, since I've taken a couple of months break from raiding, I don't have any screenies or logs to post for you. However, to give some idea, I can give you examples of some of my latest 25-man kills:
Toravon the Ice Watcher: 11,3k
Saurfang: 9,8k
The Lich King phase 1: 10,5k
Lady Deathwhisper: 10k
Bosses where you got to move lots: 9k
The f***ing Eclipse doesn't proc: DPS can drop to 8k at worst.

Your raiding hours are suitable for me.

About the guild history:
Vanilla: BOON Control (Kazzak-Alliance) as resto druid Korso, Northrend (Defias Brotherhood-Horde) as warrior Bungo. With the resto druid as main, I cleared all instances and bosses from Lucifron to Kel'Thuzad. Stopped raiding with the (fully T3) druid when TBC came in, as TBC was a disappointment.
TBC: Did a casual comeback after some time. Raided with my warrior in Fear the Rabbit, but only did like Karazhan and Zul'Aman. Waited for the next expansion.
WotLK: Began actively raiding again, this time as an officer and raid leader in Fear the Rabbit as the same warrior. However, the guild leadership wasn't working, since I was the only officer with real hardcore raider experience and skills, and the others kept focusing on totally wrong things and ideas (this is a subjective opinion, of course). So, I left the guild to focus on leveling up my druid again. However, the guild leadership changed this spring, with Nuethne taking the guild leader status, and I joined back, eventually changing my main back to the druid (this time being balance). Nuethne did a good job bringing FtR to a seriously taken raiding guild. Alas, he gave up a week ago, and we were left again with nearly the same officer team as a year ago. So, it was time for me to look for a new home.
Raiding experience in WotLK: Everything up to ICC10 and ICC25: 10/12. Practice experience from LK25. Some 10-man HCs down.
Alts: Bungo, 80 prot warrior (DB horde), Vicetoy, 80 combat rogue (DB horde), Pinkeye, 80 encha shaman (DB horde), Pinkdeath, 67 UH DK (DB alliance)

Who's behind the screen?
Name: Tapani
From: Helsinki, Finland
Age: 25 years
What I do for work: I study a certain field of music and work with it aswell. Let's just say, it's in the more conservative area of all music.
How do I waste my free time: WoW, drinking, metal music, chasing women, eating junk food, occasionally some sports to negate the effects of Wow, drinking and eating junk food.
About me, WoW, and the universe: I'm an easygoing, intelligent guy with a good sense of humour. I think I'm an old fart nowadays in WoW, and tend to focus my spare time on raiding. PvP doesn't interest me at all. In vent, I might occasionally toss in a good joke if it has it's place. I don't spoil the raiding enviroment with talking in the wrong time, I think most who've played with me could agree, that my presence in a raid is a positive thing :)

I hope you got a realistic picture of my style of play, personality and experience. I wait eagerly for your response.

With best regards,


Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:10 am
by Bussy
Hey Tapani and nice to have moonkin app <3.

Did check your spec and seems to be ok, although is there specific reason why u did chose to use [item]Glyph of insect swarm[/item] instead of [item]Glyph of Starfall[/item]. After buff to Starfall last patch, reducing its cd should be higher dps increase than that from insect swarm boost (debuff from non glyphed insect swarm is nice also). Also 4T10 set bonus is really nice dps increase over off set pieces and was wondering why aren't you using it?

Other note, How does our raiding times fit you? Since we wanna keep guild roster small enough so that everyone has chance to raid, we require high attendance.

Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:27 am
by Elfcracker
Bussy wrote:Did check your spec and seems to be ok, although is there specific reason why u did chose to use [item]Glyph of insect swarm[/item] instead of [item]Glyph of Starfall[/item]. After buff to Starfall last patch, reducing its cd should be higher dps increase than that from insect swarm boost (debuff from non glyphed insect swarm is nice also).
Good point, changing it right away. IS glyph was better until last patch, however, haven't really thought about the matter since I've taken a small break.
Also 4T10 set bonus is really nice dps increase over off set pieces and was wondering why aren't you using it?
The winning DKP spent on Marks of blabla in FtR was 6 to 8 times compared to non-set items, and I really didn't have enough DKP to get them due to the horribly designed DKP-system. Also they liked to look at GS in FtR (, so didn't go for plain T10 without marks. However, this is naturally just a matter of few raids and dailies.
Other note, How does our raiding times fit you? Since we wanna keep guild roster small enough so that everyone has chance to raid, we require high attendance.
I aim to attend all 25-mans in a week. If I'm busy with RL, I try my best to be that on days we don't have a 25-man raid. Also, it might be worth meantioning already, that I have a concert tour in Italy on mid-June, for a bit less than two weeks. Most of the summer I'm living on a grant, so I got a lot of spare time.


Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:29 am
by Elfcracker
Bussy wrote:Languish 4T10 set Bonus is ~4% dmg increase judging from Logs.
Yeah, it's definitely the #1 target with improving my gear, and has been so for a while.

Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:32 am
by Bussy
Languish 4T10 set Bonus is ~4% dmg increase judging from Logs.
Also i have to mention your boots enchant, since you already are familiar with some icc hard modes, you should know how much movement they require and since you are also over Lunar Eclipse hit you definitely should use minor speed enchant on boots. Faster movement allow you to move away from dmg faster and also time u spend moving is lower, which results higher dps time and higer dmg done overall.

About Insect Swarm: Most of icc fights require movement quite alot. And having non glyphed insect swarm as a spell you only cast while moving gives a nice tool to keep dpsing while moving short distances. Anyways, moonkin dots are mostly used only to keep up idol and optimally casted when you are forced to move or when switching from eclipse to another and "waiting" for spell to land. Atleast how i see it =). Counter arguments are appreciated. =)

Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:46 am
by Elfcracker
Bussy wrote:Languish 4T10 set Bonus is ~4% dmg increase judging from Logs.
Also i have to mention your boots enchant, since you already are familiar with some icc hard modes, you should know how much movement they require and since you are also over Lunar Eclipse hit you definitely should use minor speed enchant on boots. Faster movement allow you to move away from dmg faster and also time u spend moving is lower, which results higher dps time and higer dmg done overall.
A good idea, most of ICC25 normal fights do not require it however, since ranged doesn't have to move a lot. Do note, that I haven't seen ICC25 HCs yet, due to complete stop in progress at FTR.
About Insect Swarm: Most of icc fights require movement quite alot. And having non glyphed insect swarm as a spell you only cast while moving gives a nice tool to keep dpsing while moving short distances. Anyways, moonkin dots are mostly used only to keep up idol and optimally casted when you are forced to move or when switching from eclipse to another and "waiting" for spell to land. Atleast how i see it =). Counter arguments are appreciated. =)
Hmm... I'm used to having both IS and Moonfire up at most times, with the exception of casting IS during Eclipse. I guess I should do some theorycrafting again, or compare my (future) logs with you. Or both. Not giving up a piece of rotation before some serious mathematics ;)

Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:53 am
by Bussy
EJ guide to moonkin is pretty nice and backed up with some experience and calculations. Not saying it is 100% accurate but mostly have useful info and updated for 3.3.3a. =) ... Refreshing

Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:59 am
by Elfcracker
Bussy wrote:EJ guide to moonkin is pretty nice and backed up with some experience and calculations. Not saying it is 100% accurate but mostly have useful info =) ... Refreshing
Thanks for the link, certainly answers a lot of questions for me. A small change to rotation, gearing, and style of play is needed indeed.

Re: Elfcracker - Druid (Balance)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:31 pm
by Bussy
We decided to give you a chance and see what you can do. Poke officers online for an inv. Also do your study on all icc25 hard modes and be prepared. =)

- Bussy