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Telepappi - Holy priest

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:29 am
by Telepappi
Hello Ubiquity!

Character info:
Name: Telepappi
Class: Priest
Race: Blood elf (female), but will roll it to Tauren then The Catalysm comes out.
Talent build: Holy

I would like to be holy in your guild too. Tried to play in discipline spec once and didn't like at all.

My future talent spec: ... uAo:0dm0VM

I know you might think "Look, there's a lolwell" but I saw video in youtube where one guild found that lightwell very useful and I want to give a shot if that is so useful (haven't tried it yet)

And that spec is made for CoH/PoH healing by tankspot/elitist jerks tips and examples

Armory: ... =Telepappi

And I know, my gear might be a big issue now, and if someone didn't look my gear so closely there is bracers with hit and wand with hit, but those are just upgrades to my previous items

Shadow spec/glyphs are not in use and just doing DPS while im farming more frost lotus's and so on.

Fey, 80lvl DK tank/alt: ... ood&cn=Fey

Personal info:
Name: Patrik Jyränti
Country: Finland, Lieto
Age: 17, but 18 this year

Guild History:
Ruoste - Migrated this character here from Trollbane server because of Ruoste needed healers, still in. Im a Raid officer in ruoste, and will leave my DK alt there so I can raid with them when needed. I really love Ruoste, and peoples in there but just want start 25man instances and get to know it better.

Raid History:
(Done some of those with different account, the one I sold, and one what someone stole. Done some of these afterwards too)

Zul'Gurub - cleared
Molten Core - cleared
Onyxia - cleared
AQ20 - Some bosses

Karazhan - cleared
Gruul - cleared
Zul'aman - cleared
Magtheridon - cleared
The eye - cleared
Serpentshrine cavern - cleared
Hyjal summit - cleared
Black temple - cleared

VoA10/25 - cleared
Naxx10/25 - cleared
Onyxia10/25 - cleared
Malygos10- 0D, cleared
EoE10/25 - cleared
Ulduar10 - first 4 cleared
Ulduar25 - Freya, Mimiron, General, Yogg
Totc10/25 - cleared
ICC10 - 6/12, Putricide 12% left
ICC25 - 3/12, no Saurfang coz guild leader called it, lack of ranged DPS

I hope I didnt forget anything

Why are you applying to Ubiquity?
Like I said, i want to try 25man instance's with you and I heard there a very nice peoples who knows what to do, are mature and kind.

Are you applying to other guilds?
No im not, just here

Raid times?
Will be able to join all 3 raids, monday, wednesday and sunday raids
And as I said I'll raid with Fey which is in Ruoste, their raid days are tuesday, thursday, sunday ( usually tank spots are filled, but will raid with you)

Headset + ventrilo/Teamspeak
I have headset/microphone and im not afraid to use in raids

What you can expect from me?

Funny raid member, not slacky and always carries many flasks and other consumables (well.. not buff food.. always waiting for feast =) ) and wont Alt + F4 even if we wipe 124787123 times, that for sure and 100% guarantee.

Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoy'd and I hope we will see again very soon ^^

Telepappi the Patient

Re: Telepappi - Holy priest

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:16 am
by Vintoran
Thank you for your interest in Ubiquity.
Unfortunately we're only doing hardmodes at the moment and your gear is too far behind for that, therefore we have to decline you application.
Good luck finding another guild.