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Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:27 pm
by Nugga
Hi Ubiquity,

Name and Class:
Nougat, Restoration Shaman (the name is unavailable on Defias Brotherhood, so it will change if/when I transfer)

Spec: 0/13/58 Armory is not working right now, so I cant link it, but here is a wowhead link to my spec:
My spec might look a bit strange, but I will explain some of the choices. I have put all possible points in Earth Shield, including Improved Shields from the enhancement tree. This is to have at least one resto-shaman in the raid with an extra powerful Earth-Shield for the tank that takes the biggest (or fastest) beating. I have also put 2 points in Improved Reincarnation. This was because I found that Ankhing left me with so little mana that I was generally useless. Now, you might reply: “then dont die in the first place”, and while this is correct, reincarnation is quite useful while learning encounters, and ankhing might be the thing that pushes the raid to the next phase of the fight. The 3 points in Healing Way are often useless, since Healing Wave is rarely used. However, when I am asked to keep a tank alive that takes massive damage over an extended period of time, then the talent is useful. It basically depends on the role(s) I will be assigned to. Finally, I have no points in Healing Focus, which up until now has not been a problem, since the only encounter I have been in where I took push-back damage was phase 2 of Mimiron, and there I just put Earth Shield on myself, and together with Concentration Aura it was fine. I have heard that there is a lot more push-back damage going around on the hard modes. If so, then I will re-spec after discussing with the other Shamans.

Gear: I have 4xT7.5 and Head, Legs and Chest of T8.5 (obviously I cant wear them all at the same time, but depending on the encounter I can switch to get different set-bonuses). Apart from that I have the Guiding Star and belt from Razorscale, wrists from Ignis, and boots from Vezax. My weakest gear is probably my trinkets, where I use the Jewel-crafter trinket (which is blue, but actually very good) together with either Egg of Mortal Essence or Soul Preserver (for mana intensive fights), but my shield and my cloak could also use an upgrade (I use Shawl of the Old Maid and the Heroic Badge shield).
For dual spec I have reasonably good Elemental gear, with a couple of T7.5 and a few Ulduar non-set items. However, my hit-rating is rather low (this is just for your information, I have no plans whatsoever of changing my main-spec to elemental).
I also have an enhancement set, which is from things that would otherwise have been dis-enchanted, so it ranges from Ulduar gear to quest-greens.

Professions: Jewelcrafting 450, Mining 450, First Aid 450, Cooking 450 and Fishing 335 or so (going up slowly but steadily via daily fishing quests).

Reputations: Exalted with Son of Hodir, Exalted with Wyrmrest Accord, Exalted with Kirin Tor, Revered with Knight of the Ebon Blade.

My current server is Bloodhoof, where I have been in a guild called Escapism for 2.5 years. I recently left this guild for two main reasons. Socially, because I was unhappy about the way some of our guild-members were treated by the officers. Raidingwise I was not satisfied that we never attempted hard-modes, even with bosses we had on farm. The reason I play World of Warcraft is because I enjoy raiding, but only if it is challenging. Therefore it is important for me to join a guild that is interested in tackling the harder encounters in the game.

Previous raiding experience:
A quick summary (with a detailed description below):
Classic: Cleared Molten Core, Cleared Zul Gurub, Onyxia, Razorgore, Kurinaxx, Rajaxx and Moam. Playing a Resto Druid.
TBC: Everything up to and including Archimonde and Illidan pre-nerf, and Kalycgos and Brutallus post-nerf. Played a Feral Druid.
WotLK: Naxx25 cleared, Malygos, Sartharion, and Ulduar up to and including General Vezax. Played a Resto Shaman.

Detailed description (for those that like walls of text):
Classic WoW (Resto Druid): I reached level 60 on my druid a few months before TBC, and when I joined Escapism, the guild had just split into a hard-core and casual guild (Escapism was the casual). I did manage to see Raggy and Hakkar dead, as well as a few bosses in AQ20 and first boss in BWL. However, none of these were new bosses to my guild-mates, so it was basically only farming easy content (although it was not always easy for us).
TBC (Feral Druid): We were very late in moving on from Karazhan to 25-mans, mainly due to low amount of raiders. However, when we did, about a year into TBC, it went quite fast, and we killed both Archiemonde and Illidan pre-nerf. We did not step into Sunwell until after the nerf, at which point we killed Kalecgos and Brutallus. During all this I was tanking on my druid, because I had been asked to go feral in the beginning of TBC, since the guild desperately needed tanks.
WotLK (Resto Shaman): My job contract ran out two weeks after WotLK was released, and I had to move about for a few months, first to find a job, and then to find a place to live in the city where I found a job. This meant that I was not able to play seriously until the end of March this year, when I finally found a permanent place to live that had a stable internet connection.
During my months of nomadic lifestyle, I did level my druid to 80, but I also realised that although I was offered a tanking spot, the guild needed a resto-shaman more. And since I couldnt raid anyway, due to bad connections etc. I leveled my level 35 bank-alt which was a shaman.
So, a couple of weeks before Ulduar, real life finally allowed me to raid, and by this time my guild had everything on farm, which meant gearing up was easy. A small note: I never killed Sarth+3D, my guild did it only twice, both times before I was able to raid. I did however participate in the guild-first 6 minute Malygos kill.
In Ulduar, I have been part of the guild-first kills on everything up to and including General Vezax, but as I mentioned earlier, I have not yet done any hard modes.

I want to join Ubiquity because I am looking for a guild that: 1) Does not raid too many days a week, I have a job and a real life (or pretend that I do at least), so raiding 5 night a week is not something I can, nor something I want. 2) Is not progressed too far ahead of my previous guild, since I dont want to join and just jump on the gear-farming-train. I want to be apart of learning and finally beating new (or hardmode) encounters.

Since this is a cross-server application, I should probably also mention why I wanted to go to Defias Brotherhood. This may sound a bit obscure, but I have a level 70 druid on The Venture Co (which I havent leveled since WotLK), and I very much like playing on a RPPVP realm. Therefore I was looking for those realms first, and found your recruitment-post on the realm forum.

What can I bring to Ubiquity: I am a mature person who can show up prepared and on time for raiding. Being a good healer for me is not all about topping the healing meters. I realise that both the person who tops the healing meters and the person who casts that life-saving fast heal or shield (but not necessarily has the highest healing output) are vital for a healing team to work. Ulduar healing seems to be mainly reactive healing, where raid damage may happen to any random person, making it impossible to “pre-cast” spells (unless it is the tank of course), and I feel that while my reflexes could always be faster, I am good at spot healing if needed. Meanwhile, if I am put on tank duty or “keep raid topped up with chain-heal”-duty, then I am able to fulfil those job descriptions as well. My weak points is that I am not very good at using Natures Swiftness and Tidal force to their greatest effect, all too often I seem to miss-time them. However, I am working on getting better at judging when to use them.

Boring real-life info:
My name is Peter and I am 32 years old. I am Danish, but I live in Geneva, where I work at the university as a researcher (I am a molecular biologist). My hobbies apart from WoW are rock-climbing and reading crime-novels, and I am not hard to persuade to go out for a beer or two.

Nougat (or whatever name I end up with)

PS: If you are interested in checking up on my information regarding the druid that was my main during Classic and TBC, then his name is Gaurt, on Bloodhoof.

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:26 pm
by Varanor
Hey there Nougat and thank you for the best application we have seen in quite a while. We shall try to handle this as soon as possible. :)

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:02 pm
by Melchior
Greetings Peter,

Thanks for the nice application.
I´ll try to catch you on your server for a little chat.
Would be nice if you could try that too.

aka Melchior

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:48 pm
by Nugga
Sounds good, I will log on now and do some daylies, so you should be able to catch me on Nougat or Gaurt.


Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:41 pm
by Melchior
Hey Peter,

Welcome as trial...pls initiate the transfering and catch me ingame.

Have fun and see you on the Server


Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:21 pm
by Nugga
Ok, I will start the transfer tonight.


Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:08 pm
by Nugga
Alright, just let you know.

I started the transfer Sunday evening, but Blizzard has not yet completed the transfer, so I cant login.


Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:41 pm
by Raf
Thanks for the update.

Do you know your new char name yet?

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:51 pm
by Nugga
My new name will most likely be "Nugga".

-Nugga (tentatively)

PS: The char has not yet been transferred... I guess Blizzard went on holiday.

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:05 pm
by Cibee
Nougat wrote:PS: The char has not yet been transferred... I guess Blizzard went on holiday.
Yea summertime, everybody is slacking.

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:39 am
by Grid

just a hint. Character transfer has two phases and its quite anoying. You will have to log to the account management site twice. After you initiated the first step of tranfering you will see you character on Defias Brotherhood with some kryptic characters behind but you will not be able to login. At this point you have to log to the account management site again, go to Paid Character Transfer, chose the Server you wanted a Character to be tranfered to and click "move now". Five min later you will be able to log. It´s not very intuitional and i neede help from a GM to find out :p


Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:40 am
by gantrithor
Tbh you get a mail sent to your account email adress with a link where you finalize the transfer ;)

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:25 am
by Grid
I never got that mail ;-)

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:53 pm
by Melchior
Any news?

Re: Nougat, Cross-server Restoration Shaman

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:00 pm
by Nugga
I finally got the "second mail" mentioned in one of the posts above. However, when I go to my account-management (using the link in the mail, or via, I get error messages when I click finalise. The error is reported as "payment rejected". Although I have now tried with 3 different credit cards from different banks (including the credit card I am using to pay for my WoW-subscription), I nevertheless keep getting the error.

I have contacted Blizzard support, but they are not exactly fast in responding.

I will call them on the phone later today, and see if I can get it sorted out.

This is truly frustrating, and not exactly a brilliant way of showing that I have high attendance and activity.


PS: I also tried logging on using a differnet computer with a different operating system, and with a different version of internet explorer, but that did not help. I am also quite limited in how many thing I can try, since I only have 3 attempts at payment per day, or my account will be blocked for 72 hours. As you can imagine I am not exactly thrilled about Blizzard right now.