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Sursisyor [UD Mage]

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:30 pm
by sursisyor
(reposted/edited as requested)

Name : Sursisyor
Class : Mage
Current Spec : 58/3/0 (but know and have played every pre-nerf spec)
Armory : ... =Sursisyor

Spec doesn't mean too much at the moment of course, with the heavily nerfed content, so I'm just having some fun with Arcane. Have played around with new frost and fire specs as well, but Arcane is looking like the most fun for leveling to 80 so far.

Current Guild : none
Previous Guild : Crimson Tide. I quit CT shortly before quitting WoW 5 months ago as I didn't have time to raid with them anymore. They didn't have a place for me when I returned. I have the utmost respect for the GM Ogrehoof, but have decided to try a different guild for WotLK.

What can I bring :

I am looking for a mature, competent guild. Serious players in a fun environment. I do not like pettiness, bickering, selfshness or bad manners as this ruins the game. I absolutely want to be in the guild that gets the server first kills for WotLK content and have the attitude and ability to help make that a reality for you.

I would estimate that I know the mage class better than 90% of raiding mages out there, have played every spec, and have always min-maxed my gear and performance to do as well as I can. I have always got absolutely every advantage for my gear from outside guild raids, such as craftables, ZA drops & badges. Always have food buffs and elixirs/flasks & Oils for raids which require it, gold is no object to me.

I recruited Malicious Intent from 10 players to a successful raiding guild on my alt (Briggen). Ran a ZA team which was one of the very few on the server to complete the 4th timer in almost NO T6 level gear.

As a raider, I am of a mature age and do not have childish outbursts, very reliable and will make a raid if I put my name down for it. Good fps, no latency, TS/Vent etc. I will never take more than 1 or 2 attempts to learn my role in a new encounter.

My alt is a resto druid, who I have been raiding with in CQ the last month. ... &n=Briggen

I know Kezmo & Menelaus and have done a few ZA/Kara with other Ubiq members who may know me.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Sursisyor [UD Mage]

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:35 pm
by Gedo
Greetings Sursisyor, will talk to you in-game in the evening, thanks for your application.