Troll Rogue hoping to squeeze in.

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Troll Rogue hoping to squeeze in.

Post by Keaes »


Well firstly, none of you know me, I mean at all, I'm kinda new to Defias, I've been playing an alliance rogue but I really started to miss my troll so I migrated it here to gank the rl friends I have playing alliance.

I guess I should get on with the information, quicker I do, quicker you can post "Sorry Full" and lock this thing ^^

Character Name: Oeshnap

A play on the saying "Oh snap" it's not exactly an RP name, this character was originally brought to Defias with the sole intention of ganking and corpse camping people I know without them knowing it's me, hence the name, "god dammit Oh snap is ganking me" But I've decided to start raiding again after a short break from it, so when I do eventually find a raiding guild (Being a rogue that could take years) I will change the name back to Keaes/Keres/Kerar depending on which is taken.

Class: Rogue, Troll Female

Most people roll undead rogues and a few roll male trolls, don't see that many female troll rogues, see even less orc female rogues to be honest, but I liked the look of the Troll Female when I rolled it way back when (Before Defias even existed and there were no 60's she's an oooold cow now.)

Spec: My current spec is a mix on the standard combat raiding spec... as I've been pvp'ing with this char, I swapped out a few points, mainly dropping Imp SnD as I don't use it that much while pvping. However if I did get accepted, I would ofcourse be willing to spec to anything you like, which I'm guessing would be a standard combat build with Imp SnD and all the other things.

Current Build:

Raiding Build:

- Gear (best link to a profile) ... &n=Oeshnap

I have two sets of Gear, PvE and PvP, it should hopefully show my PvE gear, but just incase I'll throw some stats up here:

183 Hit
1659 AP
23.47% Crit

Weapons are Dragonstrike and Merci Offhand.

My gear is a Malformed crossbreed between casual and raiding gear... The guild I joined last I was behind all the other rogues on DKP by a massive majority, this I didn't mind as I dont raid for loot anyway, but when anything did drop that could have been an upgrade for me, either A) the Melee shaman needed it and outbid me or B) one of the other rogues took it as a "Backup Item". so I was basically able to have the scraps that no one else wanted, like I said, I dont raid for loot so I didn't mind but it was a tad annoying to be running around with other rogues in T5/T6 and then needing Items that would have been a drastic upgrade for me when they gained nothing but fancy looks.

Guild you re in now / guild you were in before (reasons you left)
Guild I'm in now: None, New to Defias (HAI GUYS!)
Guild I was in: Refusion over on Grim Batol, (Decent raiding guild, was the same guild that Total Biscuit was in for a while :D)

I didn't so much leave, as it died.... lack of activity killed the guild, same way most do, this combined with me being Ill for a few weeks due to serious RL issues, meant that I basically quit wow, didn't bother raiding or anything.

Refusion had been as far as Teron, downing him just before we exploded in a hail of AFK.

Previous guilds before that are on different servers aswell, I can list them if needed, but in my Guild Past I've been, An Officer, A Class Leader, A Raid Leader, a Stand-In Guild Master and a Pain in the ass :D

I've seen every instance from RFC--->BT/MH, Killing Archimonde and seeing as far into BT as Bloodboil.

I have experiance, I have dedication and I have a giant collection of Smurfs that I send out todo my bidding ^^
Why you want to apply to us:

Why not? from what I've heard from alot of the Alliance guys I know in RL, you guys are a decent guild, good progress nice attitude, and nice people, sounds like a decent guild, attitude and the people in it, are what really make a guild for me, the raid progress is a nice thing aswell, but I'd rather be raiding with friendly people that make the game enjoyable then feeling like I'm working every night with people I hate.... this game is meant to be social and fun =) I would love to be able to become a part of Ubiquity and help out to make the guild a name people know for not only decent raiding progress but for fun happy people willing to help and have a laugh.

What do you think you can bring to us:

A hardworking, dedicated rogue. bringing pots to raids, flasks to raids, food buffs to raids, having a voice, speaking up about tactics, throwing suggestions into the pot, researching fights before they happen, bringing my A-game to raids, knowing when to DPS when not to, when’s the time to chat when isn't and most importantly, a rogue who isn’t a lootwhore.. I'd rather pass the loot to someone else and see them happy with it, then have it myself, it’s a better feeling seeing a friend get something awesome then having it yourself.

Why Do you need me: (You didn't ask this but I feel it's a good question to ask, so I should answer it)

Well, theres two parts to that question.... Why do you need my rogue? To be honest, you don't, I'm gonna guess you're full on rogues as most guilds are. and no matter how hardworking or dedicated I try to be, there still won't be a spot for me, thats the way it is, thats the price I pay for picking this class, however, people don't get anywhere in life unless they try, so I'm trying to join you guys as I hope and belive that it will bring me a better gaming experiance while bringing a friendly aspect with me, trying to intergrate into the guild and being friends with as many people as I can while bringing someone who tries there hardest on raids...

Why do you need me as a person? Again, you don't, everyone in this world is replacable with someone else, if someone quits a guild, you can always find someone else to replace them. I'm just hoping that I'm given a shot at fitting into Ubiquity and being a part of the guild, offering up what I can when I can to help the forward progression of the guild in a friendly and helpful way.

Only apply if you can raid at days / hours we're raiding:

No issues, on a gap year before going to Univeristy, so I have nothing but free time to play wow and help out =)

Behind the Scenes, The Dave behind the Troll (AKA: Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my Pants?)

Well There's actually a person behind this char, and I guess its nice to actually fill you guys in a bit about me, As the title of this subsection hints, my names Dave. (Wow it took me three attempts to spell that correctly) I'm 21 and I live in the UK, in a ***hole called Holt, it’s a small town near Norwich in Norfolk. I'm currently taking a break from the hassle of the educational system; I'm on a gap year before I go to University, looking to hopefully study Marketing and go into that kind of job line, doing advertising for movies or games. most of my free time is spent on my pc, as I went to college down in Hampshire, it means most of the guys and gals I know are 200miles away, so its easier and cheaper to chat to them online, plus I love me my games.. I play TF2, Audiosurf, Hellgate London and a few other games, but not that often, I enjoy playing wow waaaaaaaay too much.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, chances aren't high, and I shall await the giant padlock to appear and tell me that this is locked and I suck :P
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Re: Troll Rogue hoping to squeeze in.

Post by Hautala »

Fun application, best of luck (we have 4 rogues atm) !
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Re: Troll Rogue hoping to squeeze in.

Post by Môurn »

Hello Oeshnap,

thank you for your nice and detailed application. unfortunately we are full on rogues, so i must deny you at this time. best of luck finding another guild.

on a sidenote, you´d want to spec this for raids as combat maces. good luck and maybe we can play together in the next expansion!
funny how there is always so much month left at the end of the money
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